
Posts in Emma Neilson
Dance, My Eating Disorder, and Me. Part 4 #MentalHealthAwareness

The majority of my story up until this point was spent not being taken seriously because I was “medically stable” while I was in treatment from 2017-2018. I was lucky enough to have made it this far without any major health scares, and that was no longer true following this new development in my eating disorder. I will spare you the nitty gritty details of the symptoms I was experiencing at this time, but my health deteriorated to a point that I finally confessed to my nutritionist what was actually going on in the spring of 2021. I had not, until that point, divulged to anyone what I was actually doing.

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Dance, My Eating Disorder, and Me. Part 3 #MentalHealthAwareness

If you read my previous blog post (originally written in 2019, and re-released in 2022 and 2024), Dance, My Eating Disorder, and Me, you have a pretty good understanding of my story up until March of 2020. My thoughts and feelings on this particularly touchy subject have developed over time, and with the many different things I have experienced as I have lived through the world in the last 5 years. I hope my story can help you if you are currently struggling.

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Dance, My Eating Disorder, and Me. Part 1 #MentalHealthAwareness

I have such a crystal clear memory of the first time my ED reared its ugly head. I was at lunch with a group of my friends, and I happened to look down at the nutrition facts on the package of chips. Within the hour, I had counted all the calories I had eaten so far that day, and had a calorie goal set for myself for the next week. From that moment on, I was fighting a downhill battle.

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DWC How To's: The Difference Between Demi and Pointe Shoes

While they look very similar, demi-pointe and pointe shoes are actually incredibly different! Demi-pointes are a training shoe to help build your strength and get your toes and feet ready for the real deal. For many they are an important and necessary tool to use before stepping into a pair of pointe shoes.

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How To Tie Ballet Flats

Ballet shoes come in many different shapes and sizes. Some can be black, pink, or white and have strings or no strings, but for shoes with strings, it is important to know how to tie them for classes. DWC Staff Member Emma Neilson is here to help give you some tips and tricks on how to tie your strings properly! Read on to learn more!

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What's In Your Dance Bag?

Everyone knows as dancers that our dance bag is a sacred place. It holds all of our stinky shoes after dancing for hours on end and seems to be an abyss for endless amounts of bobby pins. With each new dance season, new goodies are needed to last the dance season which can add up quickly. We asked some of our DWC Ambassadors what was in their dance bag to give a special look into their go-tos and their necessities they need for classes! Read on to learn more about what is in their dance bags!

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