
Coping with Quarantine

Madison, Senior Pointe Shoe Fitter at DWC is sharing her experience and tips during this time of isolation. We hope to give a little inspiration and a few tools for dealing with this hard time. We’re all in this together.

 It’s fair to say that the COVID-19 pandemic is changing our lives in drastic ways. Many people are losing their jobs, moving to different homes, and transitioning to online platforms for school and dance classes. People around the globe are experiencing varying shifts in their daily routines which can be difficult to process.


            In my own life, my college classes have moved to online formats and upcoming dance concerts I am performing in have been postponed. I have moved out of my college dorm and back into my family home for the rest of the school year. Not being able to see my friends and other loved ones during this cumbersome time was difficult for me to grapple with at first. However, by re-instating some basic structure into my life and finding some excitement in each day, I am gradually constructing a routine that is making me feel comfortable, healthy, and productive during this temporary time of calamity. Here are some of the tips I have to offer:




            Keeping a daily planner is something I have been doing for several months, but planning is especially crucial for me as of lately. It’s easy to get sucked into scrolling through social media for copious hours each day when you do not have much on your agenda: we have all been there. That’s why creating an agenda for myself is so important.


I prefer keeping a physical planner, but there are many digital versions that can be tailored to anyone’s needs. As soon as I wake up in the morning, I write down the tasks that I want to accomplish for that day. These tasks could be as simple as “calling my best friend” or “doing my laundry,” or more complex like “creating a ballet barre routine” or “rearranging the furniture in my room.” Regardless of how mundane the task seems, being able to cross it off of my to-do list at the end of the day makes me feel productive and satisfied with how I spent my time.


Creating your own routine:


            I am the type of person who thrives off of having a daily routine. I enjoy having the same thing for breakfast each day and having a predictable work schedule. As a student, these routines are usually put in place for me; however, during this quarantine, I have been granted a lot more freedom to rearrange my routine how I please. Due to this enhanced leeway, I have created a nice balance of dancing, working, reading, and socializing that makes my days feel balanced and complete. Finding the routine that works for you can take some time, but once you settle into a comfortable groove, life can begin to feel a little closer to normal.


Utilizing online dance classes:


            Most dance studios and companies across the country have cancelled classes and performances due to the pandemic. This has left millions of dancers scrambling to find ways to keep up their technique and continue dancing as a positive outlet during this stressful time.


            Perhaps a silver lining to come out of this is the influx of online classes available to the public. Many professional dancers from renowned companies like ABT and NYC Ballet are offering free classes through Instagram Live. These are classes that many dancers would otherwise be unable to take due to time, distance, expenses, or discomfort. Now, thousands of dancers around the world can take the same class in the privacy of their own homes without fear of being judged. Personally, I have been enjoying taking Tiler Peck’s daily ballet class on Instagram Live, it’s always a part of my day I look forward to.


            Many local studios and companies in the greater Seattle area are also offering classes through Instagram Live and Zoom, so check out their social media and websites to see what they are offering and how you can take part!


Picking up new skills:


            While quarantining has closed off a significant amount of opportunities, it has also opened up a lot of free time. The daily obligations we usually have from school, work, and dance can leave little time to explore new interests. But now, many of us have the chance to try things we have always wanted to. I have used this free time to pick up some new hobbies and practice honing some different skills, like painting and cooking new recipes. I have also been able to read some books that I didn’t have time to read in the past. Since I am in the process of moving back into my family home, I have used my free time to rearrange aspects of my room to make it a space suited for working and relaxing. Think about the hobbies and projects that you have been itching to take up and start trying them out with your newfound free time!


Connecting with family and friends


            Many people are lucky to be experiencing quarantine surrounded by their loved ones, but many others are far from the comfort of their family and friends. I was personally looking forward to connecting with friends I hadn’t seen in months over spring break, but due to the pandemic, I likely won’t be able to see them for even longer. Finding ways to still feel connected with my friends and family has been crucial for me. FaceTiming with groups of friends and creating Zoom chats can sometimes even feel like I am seeing my loved ones in person. Carve out time in your day to reach out to the important people in your life!


Uncertainty about the future can instill a lot of stress in people. It’s difficult right now to picture what the next couple months will look like, but that gives us a great opportunity to focus on living in the present. Indulging in your hobbies, picking up new skills, and connecting with loved ones are great ways to focus on living in the moment. Through implementing these tips and practicing self-care we can all move closer to lives that feel a little more normal.

